Good Afternoon Lovelies……
I am back; well, for now that is. I find it really difficult to stay on task and blog regularly. I think that I put too much pressure to deliver a blog worth reading. I really have no desire to post just for the sake of saying that I posted but I need to find some motivation that will keep me posting regularly. I’m sure you guys can relate. This summer has literally flown right on by. This has been a very challenging year for me. I lost some very important people in my life. My Aunt passed away in April and she was literally my second Mother. I was totally devastated by her passing. When I was just beginning to get my feet under me, my Father passed away. He had been ill for about a year buthis passing was still an immense shock and beyond devastating. I am slowly trying to come to grips with the fact that I won’t see or talk to these extremely important people in my life again. Everything outwardly tells me that I am coping and that I am slowly getting back to normal but something deep down inside refuses to budge. I feel like I am running around and around and going nowhere. My daily life has become an existence. I’ve traveled more than usual this summer hoping that in some small way, I can begin to enjoy some parts of my life again. In many ways it has become nothing more than a shield or sorts; allowing me to appear to be healing. I am hoping that getting back to something that I love, writing, will help me begin the healing process. This post may be a bit more than you bargained for from a fashion blog but, I felt I owed it to myself to be true to what I feel on any given day and today, I felt like using this blog as therapy. Until the next post……..
As your co-blogger I cannot tell you how much this post means to me. It's give me insight without feeling like I'm bringing up how you're feeling on one of your better days. I hope you know I love and care about you and I'm here for you.