Monday, September 7, 2015

Prayers for Tomorrow: First Day of School.

Good evening Lovelies,

I know a lot of schools / classes have already begun but tomorrow is the first day for my son.

Here's are prayers for all students, teachers, parents, and anyone else involved.

It’s the first day of school, Lord.

It’s a big day for all of us. Students full of questions and doubts and excitement. Teachers full of ideas and plans and dreams. Mommas full of all the emotions.

Protect our babies, Lord.Whether it’s the first day of kindergarten or middle school, or college, those students are our children. And we want today to be full of good things. Let them make friends and reach out to those who are lonely.  Give them attentive minds and caring hearts. Use our babies, God, to be a blessing to others.

Bless the teachers, God. These men and women who have committed to invest in the next generation. Give them discernment and wisdom to see each student’s unique abilities and gifts. Multiply their preparation and may their plans be fruitful. Fill the day with moments of wonder. Remind them of their special place in the lives of their students and give them confidence in their abilities as teachers.

And for all the mommas, Lord, a prayer for peace. Give us plenty to do so we don’t have time to fret. Let us be extraordinarily grateful for the privilege of parenting. Fill us with wisdom as we watch out babies grow. Grant us patience and kindness as they stretch their wings. Hold us close to You as we learn to let them go.

It’s the first day of school, Lord.

Watch over all of us — students, teachers, and moms. Guard our hearts. Focus our minds. Draw us to You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(This prayer was copied from a blog, please visit and subscribe)

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